Voter Services & Education
Provide voter support for community organizations and adult groups in Baltimore City primary, general, and special elections.
Voters’ Service
- Analyze Baltimore City voter data in order to inform our strategies for registration, education, and turnout efforts, with a goal of increasing the Baltimore City voter participation from 60 percent to at least the 70 percent that is common in the rest of the state. Identify geographic areas and underserved populations for outreach.
- Provide speakers on the democratic process and issues as requested by civic and community groups.
- Continue voter registration with special emphasis on involving young people and cooperation with city-wide groups such as Baltimore Votes.
Voter Education
- Cooperate with Baltimore City Public Schools and local colleges in improving civic education.
- Develop creative strategies to enable students who attend the 36 high schools in Baltimore City to improve their civic education.
- Distribute the Guide to Elected Officials and keep an updated version online.