Inclusionary Housing Coalition

The Baltimore Branch of the NAACP, Baltimore Renters United, Beyond the Boundaries, BRIDGE Maryland, Inc., Citizens Planning and Housing Association (CPHA), Community Development Network, SEIU 1199, and the Public Justice Center (PJC), are amongst numerous Baltimore area nonprofit and community organizations, volunteers along with Councilwoman Odette Ramos (District 14) to form a nonpartisan coalition, the Inclusionary Housing Coalition in support of Council Bill 22-0195, the Inclusionary Housing Bill. The former law sunsetted/expired on June 30, 2022. The coalition is working to pass an effective, equitable bill that produces units, free from loopholes. The LWV Baltimore City is proud to join this coalition.

Why it Matters: CB 22-0195 proposes a number of updates to Baltimore City's now-expired inclusionary housing law, to include:

  • Eliminate the loopholes and waivers in the prior inclusionary housing law that made it a failure.
  • Require every residential project over 20 units that receives major city subsidy or rezoning to set aside 10% of units as affordable. “Affordable” means that a household earning less than 60% of Area Median Income (AMI) (about $55,740 for a family of two) would pay rent that is no more than 30% of their income.
  • If the developer receives more subsidies, they must make units affordable to even lower incomes.
  • Every inclusionary development must market affordable units to residents who have historically been excluded from new developments, including Black families, persons who use vouchers and other residents who have experienced discrimination.
  • Enhances accountability and enforcement mechanisms
  • Use affirmative marketing to market to marginalized communities including protected classes

The Coalition has been fighting alongside the Councilwoman to pass an effective law. Currently the IHC is in negotiations after a nearly 10 month fight with numerous City agencies and developers to pass an effective law. This coalition meets weekly on Friday's at 10 am with Councilwoman Ramos strategies, events, and legislative support required to move the Inclusionary Housing bill forward.

Board Member Argentine Craig will be the League spokesperson but we are looking for other League members who are passionate about housing issues in the city to join us in this advocacy. If you are that person, click here to provide your information and a League member will contact you with next steps.

What Do We Do About It? Take Action

Take immediate action through the action network page for Baltimore City's Inclusionary Housing Bill. Here

Follow our FB, IG, blog, and emails coordinating calls to action requesting your support to contact your City Council representative to support CB 22-0195. 

Join the Real News Network & the Inclusionary Housing Coalition for the Tax Broke Documentary covering Baltimore City's tax credits program. Next showing to be announced for January 2023. Check our Upcoming Events. 

The Inclusionary Housing Coalition often has social media action weekly. Follow #BmoreEquitable and #BmoreInclusionary and re-post, share, retweet.

Click here for the initial op-ed on this topic.
Click here for a quick overview of the bill by WMAR Channel 2.
Click here to track the Baltimore City legislative process for this bill.
Click here for the recent Inclusionary Hearing, held on November 17.
Click here for a fact sheet on the bill.



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