Become a Member

Join the League of Women Voters Today!

Individual Membership  Household Membership*  Student Membership  Renew Membership

The League is a diverse community of engaged men and women of all ages who believe in the power of democracy. As a grassroots organization, we focus on the issues that directly impact Baltimore City residents. We work closely with our advocacy partners across the City and State to advocate for and advance policies that directly benefit Baltimore residents.

*Household membership means two people in the same household.

We Get Things Done!

League members are integral members of coalitions that directly impact policymaking at the City and State level. The League is dedicated to serving as a non-partisan voice that is focused on the issues. Our members also research new issues and form policy positions based on facts that we use to inform our scope of work. The League registers hundreds of high school students during the academic year at voter registration high school events. Our dedicated volunteers communicate with candidates to create Voter Guides that allow residents to make informed and educated decisions at the polls.

We Need You!

Our work is dependent on our members. Without you, we would not be able to promote democratic values in our community.

Individual Membership Household Membership Student Membership Renew Membership

You can also download a copy of our membership form in .pdf format and mail the completed form with your check to the League using the contact information below: 

League of Women Voters of Baltimore City
2901 Druid Park Drive, Suite 202 - D 
Baltimore, MD 21215

[email protected]


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