9 May Call to Action
Today through May 9th: Join the Inclusionary Housing Coalition for a Call to Action to the City Council to Demand the Passage of CB 22-0195 Inclusionary Housing Bill and CB 023-0369 Tax Credit Companion Bill
The League of Women Voters Baltimore City supports the Inclusionary Housing Coalition and is urging our members to attend the City Council meeting IN-PERSON on these bills on 9 May at 5pm.
CB 22-0195 and CB 023-0369 are scheduled for a 9 May 5pm Committee of the Whole at Du Burns Council Chamber, 4th floor, City Hall.
Until that date: Call or Write to the Baltimore City Council to demand swift and bold action to achieve an effective Inclusionary Housing law that expands affordable housing options for all Baltimoreans and to pass the Tax Credit Companion Bill. The City Council needs to hear from you!
Advocates can participate by contacting your elected official and urging him/her to quickly pass CB 22-0195 and CB 023-0369 Tax Credit Companion Bill.
Use this fact sheet to help create your message to your elected official and visit our Take Action page for more information!
Sample Script:
Here is a sample of a good script for calling your elected official about a law:
You: Hello, I would like to make a comment to [elected official’s name] about [Inclusionary Housing Law 22-0195 and Tax Credit Companion Bill 023-0369]
Staff member: Certainly. Please go ahead.
You: Thank you. My name is [your full name], and I live at [address]. I’m calling to urge [elected official’s name] to support [Inclusionary Housing Law 22-0195, sponsored by Councilwoman Odette Ramos and Tax Credit Companion Bill 023-0369]. I care about this because [Inclusionary housing provides ALL Baltimore residents the opportunity to participate in Baltimore’s redevelopment as the integrated, equitable City that we deserve].
Staff member: I will give your message to [elected official’s name].
Would you like for him/her to send a response to you?
You: [Yes OR No]. Thank you for your time, good-bye.
Staff Member: Thank you for your comments. Have a good day.